Lime is a product (material) whose application has been known by humans since the ancient times and it is (was) used in the construction of various types of buildings and for stronger connection of (pieces of) stone or wood parts.
It has been a long time since Iranians have known lime concrete (lime and soil slurry mortar), Sarooj (mortar of lime and ash) and hydrated lime mortar, and they built building using this matter (and build buildings with them). After the Second World War, lime concrete in industrial countries has been (was) used to stabilize the land especially for road foundation (infrastructure), preventing plant growth, and absorb water absorption in the beds, road’s shoulders and slopes of roads and runaways.
This odorless, white or gray solid matter with molar mass of 077/56 mole/gr boiling point of 2580 ‘c and melting point of 2570, reacts with stable water and (but when)absorbs the air co2 in the air, It is incompatible with water, humidity, strong acids and fluorine. Contact with this substance causes severe irritation and burns in the eyes, skin, respiratory system and digestions. The type of micronized lime powder depends on its impurities. If primary lime stone is high calcium carbonate (90%), the resulting lime is called fat lime (high purity) and if its calcium carbonate is lower than 37% of its weight, the resulting lime is called lean lime (low purity). (If more than 90% of the weight of the primary limestone is calcium carbonate, the lime obtained from it ,is called rich lime (high purity) and if its calcium carbonate is less than 37% by weight, the resulting lime is called low lime (low purity).
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